

What is traveling? Travel v. to undertake a journey or trip, to make a trip for pleasure. That is the literal definition of traveling, however I have a more personal definition. People usually travel for pleasure, but that is not always the case. Some people travel to gain experience and knowledge from the world, some people must travel for business, some people travel for the pure purpose of research, but it is all part of a personal goal. We all have a personal goal. with traveling comes memories . Memories are created daily whether we notice it or not. But when it comes to being in new places, we would especially want to remember our new experiences . What better way to remember the moment by taking beautiful pictures ? Pictures of the sun rising between the mountains , the sky is bright red orange , the sky is clear and the air is clean and crisp . The moment is picture perfect and cture perfect moment. What better way to capture this moment of you in it , without your face being too close to the camera and also getting the beautiful background. This is all made possible by cliquefie selfie stick!